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About DODE

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As a major department of the Navajo Nation Executive Branch, the Navajo Division of Education was originally established in 1970. The Navajo Sovereignty in Education Act of 2005, adopted by Navajo Nation Council Resolution CJY-37-05, July 2005, established the Navajo Nation Department of Diné Education.

The Department is under the immediate attention of the Superintendent of Schools. The Superintendent is empowered to do all things
necessary and proper to carry out the responsibilities of the Navajo Nation Board of Education.

The department is delegated the authority and charged with the responsibility to implement and enforce the educational laws of the Navajo Nation and to work cooperatively with all schools serving the Navajo Nation.

DODE Vision

The Department of Diné Education will advance Diné education sovereignty.

DODE Mission Statement

The Department of Diné will strengthen Diné language, culture, way of thinking/being, and high academic standards for students and families.